Friday, January 2, 2015

RGW on iTunes

I have to say it still doesn't quite seem real that my movie "ReallyGottaWanna" is up on iTunes. It was literally just over a year ago that I was contemplating what I should do with my winter. After some guidance from my Coach - Pat A, Team Manager - Marc Vitelli, and Dad we came up with the idea that I would set out to document my winter and attempt to show the stories behind the riding.

Now to say that, that this little movie idea is up on iTunes is a bit surreal. Obviously this project couldn't have happened with the help from my assistant producer Tom Howell (, assistant editor Jeremy Dubs, and most importantly Kurt Jenson who transformed my footage into a true story.

I will forever hold Really Gotta Wanna as a true testament as to what I can accomplish, I couldn't be more proud of what the movie became, and so stoked to have worked with so many great riders and people!