Monday, October 29, 2012


As winter is upon us and more and more mountains are opening up, I thought it would be a good time to post a little list of new edits that will stoke you out. So take a gander and feel free to comment with other videos you think people will be stoked on.

In no particular order... and I searched out long and hard to find these 10 videos. Im sure there are tons more, but these are the 10 I decided to post. feel free to add some of your own!

Wildcard Presents the Shred-A-Vision Teaser

Scotty Vine: Full Part

Mark Hoyt: Season Edit

The Nike Snowboarding Project: Behind The Scenes

Bode Merrill Full Part: I Ride Park City

This Must Be The Place: Full Movie

Austin Hironaka: Full Part Remix

FODT: Dylan Thompson Full Part “Familia 2″

Hope these stoke you out, and inspire you to strap in and slide sideways

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